Autodesk Maya 3D animation, modeling, simulation, rendering For Windows

Original price was: $216.00.Current price is: $79.99.

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    Purchase Autodesk Maya 3D 2022 For Windows 
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    Purchase Autodesk Maya 3D computer animation, modeling, simulation, rendering For Windows

    Autodesk Maya 3D has Powerful character creation, animation, and VFX tools

    From fantastic creatures to sweeping landscapes and explosive battle sequences, the Academy Award-winning Autodesk Maya® toolset is a top choice for creating believable characters and the worlds around them.


    Purchase Autodesk Maya 3D

    Why Purchase Autodesk Maya 3D ?

    Bifrost visual programming environment

    Create physically accurate and incredibly detailed simulations in a single visual programming environment.

    Ready-to-use graphs

    Create great-looking effects, such as snow and dust storms, right out of the box with prebuilt graphs.

    Interactive hair grooming on Autodesk Maya 3D

    Use powerful interactive groom tools to create realistic hair and fur for your characters.

    Lighting speed

    Load and edit massive data sets in a matter of seconds using USD in Maya

    Seamless import/export

    Import USD data as native Maya data and export native Maya data as USD data.

    Lightweight previews

    See quick previews of USD scene structure using the new Hierarchy View Window.

    3D animation

    Fast playback

    Review animations faster and produce fewer playblasts with cached playback in Viewport 2.0.

    Time Editor

    Make high-level animation edits with a nondestructive, clip-based, nonlinear editor.

    Graph Editor

    Create, view, and modify animation curves using a graphical representation of scene animation.

    Ghosting Editor

    Precisely visualize movement and the position of animated objects over time.

    Deformation effects

    Enhance character and object animation with powerful deformation effects.


    Character setup

    Create sophisticated skeletons, IK handles, and deformers for characters that deliver lifelike performances.



    Seamlessly bind any modeled surface to a skeleton using skinning.



    Easily transfer animation between skeletons that have the same or different skeletal structures.

    3D modeling & 3D rendering and shading on Autodesk Maya 3D

    Polygon modeling

    Use Autodesk Maya 3D to Create 3D models using geometry based on vertices, edges, and faces.


    NURBS modeling

    Construct 3D models from geometric primitives and drawn curves.


    UV editing and toolkit

    View and edit the UV texture coordinates for polygon, NURBS, and subdivision surfaces in a 2D view.


    Sculpting toolset

    Sculpt and shape models more artistically and intuitively easily by Autodesk Maya 3D.


    OpenSubdiv support

    Accelerate performance with interactive workflows.


    Motion graphics & Pipeline integration on Autodesk Maya 3D

    MASH procedural effects

    Use MASH to create versatile motion design animations with procedural node networks.

    Scene Assembly tools

    Create large, complex worlds more easily and manage production assets as discrete elements by Autodesk Maya 3D.